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About Us

The Evangelical Christian Church Ministry of Christ was born in 2001, in an opportunity offered by God to our president Pastor Laurindo. Coming from a solid base from another ministry, action was needed so that everyone who was unchurched could congregate. Even reluctant with responsibility at the beginning, from the first meeting in the backyard of his house, it was clear the purpose and will of God for his life and everyone who lived and lives in this home.  


With many pastors, brothers and friends of faith, the church managed after a few years to establish itself in the neighborhood of Vila Nova Cachoeirinha, where it is still today. Our basis is the bible with textual foundation in Acts 2:42. For us, living as a family, blessing those in need, worshiping God in praises and testimonies, and spreading his word is what defines us as a ministry ruled by Christ. And our house is always open to receive those who need prayer, the word and the breaking of bread.

Come be part of our family, come be a Ministry of Christ

our shepherds

Pastor Laurindo de Oliveira and his Missionary wife Maria Esméria

And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine, and in fellowship, and in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.
                         Acts 2:42 


Corpo Ministerial


Presidente: Pastor Laurindo de Oliveira

Vice-Líder: Missionária Maria Esméria da Silva Oliveira

Tesoureira: Missionária Marcília Alves de Lima

Secretária: Missionária Andréia Gualberto Ferreira de Oliveira

Corpo de Obreiros









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